Repost: BIM & Beam: Using Structural Analysis for Autodesk Revit to more quickly test your design concept


If you are an Autodesk Subscription customer with a seat of either the Premium or Ultimate edition of Building Design Suite, Plant Design Suite, or Infrastructure Design Suite, or a seat of Revit Structure, you get the benefit of using the Structural Analysis for Revit cloud service.
Structural Analysis for Revit uses the power of Autodesk 360 to conduct the computationally-heavy task of structural analysis directly from your Revit software but without locking out your system while it processes. The service consumes two cloud credits each time you use it. In case you are still learning about Autodesk’s cloud credits, each seat of Subscription on one of the software packages outlined above gets 100 cloud credits per year and if you run out of allocated cloud credits they are available for purchase for 100USD for 100. You can find out more about cloud credits and metered usage here.

The service is powered by the industry leading Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis engine, giving you access to leading edge structural solvers, without the need to purchase and learn complex analysis software.  Structural Analysis for Revit is purpose built for engineers and architects looking to gain more insight to the structures they are designing and how they will respond to loading conditions.

This feature is a great way to test your designs early and often and iterate based on the results.

You can use these videos to learn how to get started with the service:
Preparing and submitting a model for Structural Analysis for Revit
Download and interpreting Structural Analysis for Revit results


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