Integrated Project Delivery and BIM

I am a big advocate of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) and as I was going thru my desktop and My Documents folder and I ran across this graphic from Autodesk on IPD. I think it does a great job providing a very general overview of the IPD process. Just wish implementing IPD was as simple as the graphic makes it look.


  1. That's par for the course when it comes to any software vendor. What you are shown and what is promised looks and sounds great, then they show you the demo and it works flawlessly. Then you try to use it in a real world environment and see how well it works. That's when you realize that the project has to fit a certain mold and everyone who works on it must be well trained. They can not know any other software package or way of completing their tasks or they are going to complicate and derail the entire project. Lets not forget either that in vendors make believe world no one ever skips a step in the process and everyone has great communication. In the end nothing will ever work as well as it can be demonstrated working in one simple picture.

  2. Forgive me for jumping in here. I'm not experienced with IPD or BIM, but I am involved with collaborative technologies. From what I've read Revit is an incredible piece of technology.

    What are the variables that make it hard to implement a fairly standardized IPD? Is it mostly user adoption? Training? Variation in tools? What are the hurdles?

  3. I worked on an IPD/BIM project where Structural was the only one using Revit. Arch was using Acad adt-2008.Out of office was a whole array of programs that where used all for different reasons to contribute to the process of just in time delivery. Some had to jump thru hurdles to have simple things like cable trays, piping, clear floor areas needed at equipment in penthouse etc..
    All disciplines exported in a format that NavisWorks could use and the GC used that for a full building coordination with the team. The next project I worked on Structural, Arch, and out of house Comm/data and power used Revit. The only added advantage to having elec on board in Revit was to be rid duplication of work efforts with regards to placement of items in ceiling plans, and they had real time changes from us once a week (or more if schedule dictated). Autodesk Revit MEP has been lagging behind in the industry needs. They seemed more proactive as of late. Lets see. Some programs are just too good for fabrication needs (part of the process)and Revit hadn't adressed this last I was aware. (8 mo's ago)
    Now the BIM part that is a whole new can of worms. What exactly do you want from the model? There is a book out there called Big Bim Little BIM that is a good quick read.

    Big BIM Little BIM
    Jernigan, Finith E.

    ISBN: 9780979569920
    Pub. Date: 2007

    Think about how fast your project is moving,what is priority and deliverables. Are they just for construction process or will the model be used beyond by whom and for what. So many wish list items out there.
    Just keep the KISS principle in mind and that will help. Exciting stuff though.


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