Revit Structure Extensions Update

From BIM and Beam

The fall vintage of the Revit Extensions is now available

This is time again for our new set of Extensions. We have 5 new pretty cool free of charge Extensions for our dear customers on subscription:

Static Analysis of 2D frames
Static Analysis of continuous beams
Retaining wall reinforcement
Slab corner reinforcement
Automatic reinforcement for multiple elements together
These Extensions plus all of the others are available in English, French, Italian, Polish, German and Chinese and you can learn more about them at

In order to download these Extensions please go to our subscription portal at

The Static analysis of 2D frames and continuous beams Extensions are in the spirit of the slab analysis and the truss analysis. We like to call them simulation analysis. They allow our users to do quick analysis inside Revit Structure instead of doing hand calcs or to reenter the info in other small analysis tools. The reason why we call them simulation analysis is because our users will be able to easily simulate multiple options and create "what if" scenario. By making better decisions early in the design process, our customers will be able to produce better designs.

Static Analysis of 2D frames:

This extension lets you perform static analysis of a 2D frame defined in a Revit Structure model. It uses information from Revit Structure such as: frame geometry, frame members, constraints/supports, load cases, load combinations and loads. Results are displayed in both graphical (diagrams) and tabular form. Additionally, results may be presented in the form of a report (in the HTML format). The report for a frame can be printed, saved to a file or sent to a MS Excel© or MS Word© document.

Static Analysis of continuous beams:

This extension allows you to perform static analysis of a single or multi-span beam defined in a Revit Structure model. It uses information directly from Revit Structure such as: beam geometry, constraints/supports, load cases, load combinations and loads. Results are displayed in both graphical (diagrams) and tabular form. Additionally, results may be presented in the form of a report (in the HTML format). The report for a beam can be printed, saved to a file or sent to a MS Excel© or MS Word© document.

Reinforcement of slab corners:

This extension allows you to define both simple and complex reinforcement patterns for slab corners. It creates true 3D "intelligent" rebar data in Revit® Structure. It lets you define various types of reinforcement in corners with angles between 45 and 135 degrees. Just like any other Extension reinforcement macros, the model could be sent to AutoCAD Structural Detailing for automatic shop drawings

Reinforcement of retaining walls:

This extension creates true 3D "intelligent" rebar data in Revit® Structure. It lets you define reinforcement for a wall, footing, key and shelves, including inclined walls.

Just like any other Extension reinforcement macros, the model could be sent to AutoCAD Structural Detailing for automatic shop drawings

For this Extension, you need to make sure to download the right retaining wall profiles on the subscription site as well.

Automatic Reinforcement Generation:

Last but not least, this is a great Extension that you can consider as an umbrella Extension that drives all of the other Reinforcement Extensions

This extension lets you automatically generate reinforcement for a complete building or a selection of elements in the current project. The reinforcement is generated using default values of parameters for each typical reinforced concrete element, based on templates previously stored in data files, or defined by the user on an ongoing basis.

We have now a large library of reinforcement macros that you can use for many projects. They will allow you to populate rebar in Revit Structure, get quantities and specific details. As these Extensions allow you to communicate with AutoCAD Structural Detailing, you can also produce the shop drawings for these typical components (learn more)

Enjoy these new tools and get even more productive!



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