As I am sure most of you know, a couple of the Autodesk resellers are developing custom tools for Revit and providing them to you at no charge. Yes you will have to register and yes a salesperson will probably call you, but some of these tools are useful. Imaginit is now doing this and offering their first tool, Revit Global Light Utility for Max . I have not used this tool but would be interested in getting any feedback from anyone who has. And be sure to visit Avatech for their free Revit Utilities. About the Revit Global Light Utility for Max (from the Imaginit site) This utility for 3ds Max, developed by IMAGINiT Technologies, globally turns ON lights coming from Revit. (These light are OFF by default from Revit.) In addition to 'All ON/All OFF', the utility allows you to separate each specific kind of light (Daylight, Photometric, etc.) or Selected Lights. The powerful combination of Revit® Architecture and 3ds Max® Design enables designers to extend the building informa...