Automated Code Checking Survey

The following rquest is sanctioned by and related to the International Code Council SmartCodes effort and is not an advertisement but a market evaluation effort.

The International Code Council (ICC) is in the process of developing a new product that will facilitate automated code checking. This product is called SMARTCodes and it has the potential to highly impact the efficiency of code checking and by extension the permit issuing timeframe.

In an effort to explore and understand the market for SMARTCodes and to ensure that customer needs are well represented in the final product, we would like to speak with Architects, Engineers and Building Owners.

This should take no more than 30 minutes of your time and will be instrumental in our research of and development of a go-to-market strategy for SMARTCodes.

If you are interested, please contact me directly at <> to express your interest and to schedule a time to talk.

Thank you for your assistance with this important project.
