A Request to join the buildingSMART alliance today and ensure your future tomorro

The following is from a recent email from:

Deke Smith

Mr. Dana K. "Deke" Smith, FAIA
Executive Director, buildingSMART allianceTM
National Institute of Building Sciences
1090 Vermont Ave, NW, Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20005-4905
(202) 289-7800 x142 cell (703) 909-9670 direct (703) 481-9573

BIM is transforming our industry and we find ourselves each having to invent the transformation one office at a time. This is not a SMART way to work. While we can collectively help each company make a successful move to BIM there are some significant collective efforts that need to be accomplished at an industry level. Items such as coordination of manufacturers information to be pulled into a model, coordinated and comprehensive education, standards, foundational technology and best business process practices, to name a few are needed. These things cannot be accomplished by one office, one company, association, or industry segment. Accomplishing these things is the basic purpose of the Alliance. Join now to allow these industry changes to occur. Invest in your future. Let us make a strong statement together that we, as practitioners, are in charge of our future.

Some of the projects that we will soon be posting on the web that you will be able to get involved with include:

AIA Contracts for BIM
BIMStorm™ Open Standards
Business Process Integration
Integrated Practice (IP)
Early Design
Legal & Risk Group
College & University programs
Continuing Education Coordination
Distance learning
Developing Common Education Principles
University Physical Plant Coordination
Vendor Training Coordination
Cost Model / ROI
Architectural Precast
BIM – Execution Planning
Structural Modeling
University Research & Development Compendium
GIS - BIM ifc Based Information Exchange
Commercial Real Estate Listing & Conveyance
Residential Real Estate Listing and Conveyance
A Unique & Persistent Real Property Identifier
AECOO Testbed
High Performance Buildings
Industry Foundation Class (ifc) Development
Information Delivery Manual (IDM)
International Framework Dictionary (IFD) Development
ISO 15926 / ISO/PAS 16739 Harmonization
Model View Definition (MVD) Development
National BIM Standard, Version 1, Part 2
National CAD Standard, Version 5
OmniClass Modifications
UNIFORMAT Consolidation
Information requirements, Model view, data Validation (IMV) Framework Development
GSA Spatial Program Validation IDM/MVD into NBIMS
Enhancements to classifications for Real Estate, building and geospatial objects.
Standardization of building spatial validation models
Standardization of design and construction, building and building equipment information handoff to facility operations

Involvement will be from becoming active on a project team, observing the work of a project team, reviewing documents, and direct sponsorship.

This list will be expanding, as more organizations become part of the Alliance, some will come from your organization or associations with which you are involved.

Please make the decision now to become a sponsor of the Alliance, a corporate member or even an individual member, together we can and will make a difference.

I ask you to also read the Memorandum of Understanding. If you agree with the principles of the Alliance please sign the MOU and send it in and we will post your name on the web site as being a party to the future of our profession. This will also allow you to use the buildingSMART alliance logo on your web site and other marketing material.


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