Clearing Checking Results In Solibri Model Checker JD Sherrill posted: "Why this is Important: There will be times when you may want to clear out all the results generated from a previous check and start with a fresh, unchecked model. Perhaps you have modified a ruleset and you would like to repeat a check using the new v" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Clearing Checking Results In Solibri Model Checker by JD Sherrill Why this is Important : There will be times when you may want to clear out all the results generated from a previous check and start with a fresh, unchecked model. Perhaps you have modified a ruleset and you would like to repeat a check using the new version of the ruleset. Or, maybe you have reached some key milestones and now you want to use the same model, but for a different purpose. It's also possible that you will want to run a final che...