RTC Europe 2016 - Vision 20/20 Competition!
RTC Europe 2016 Vision 20/20 Competition! Can't view this email? View it online . RTC Europe 2016 Vision 20/20 Competition! Alfandega Centro de Congressos, Porto, Portugal Thursday 20 - Saturday 22 October 2016 Dear Patrick, Less than a month to go for RTC Europe 2016! This also means there's less than a month to get submitting for the Vision 20/20 competition , proudly sponsored by CADLearning . What is the Vision 20/20 competition, you may ask? Last year we ran this competition under the name PechaKucha style compeititon. This competition is where the submitter puts together a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 20 slides that display for 20 seconds each that gives insight into where our industry is heading or where it should go. This year's topic is "Big Data" . This is a hot topic, but how can we make the data available to us, useful in the AECO industry? FOCUS OF YOUR SUBMI...