I thought I would start a running list of add-on tools that I have used, come across or have been recommended to me by friends and colleagues. DotSoft - Never used the tools and would be interested in any feedback anyone has who has used these tools. DotSoft Welcomes You Thank you for visiting our web site. DotSoft has began started porting our industry leading CAD productivity products to Revit. Our mission is to provide low cost solutions in the form of high quality software. Excel2Revit Overcomes the limits and problems associated with placement of Excel spreadsheets inside Revit. It creates and maintains DWG/DXF files of named ranges in Excel that are linked in Revit. The results are lines, fills and mtext that can plot without problems and are highly portable to others. Word2Revit Place Word documents into Revit projects. It creates and maintains DW...